How To Enable The Snooze Feature In CircleLoop

Briefly snooze your inbound calls with one click.

Want to take a break or have some work to catch up on or even need a quick breather? Our snooze feature enables you to snooze all inbound calls to yourself for as long as 24 hours! Here's how.

PC / Mac (Desktop App)

iOS / Android (Mobile App)

Desktop App

  • Locate the person silhouette at the bottom left of CircleLoops main page and click on it to bring up a list of options
  • Clicking on the Snooze option gives you some pre-set times:
  • Alternatively you can select "set time till" and enter a time in 24 hour format to snooze calls till you return
  • Once selected or set you are now snoozing calls displayed as shown below

When the menu for snooze is closed you will notice a different icon next to the silhouette indicating you are snoozing calls.

  • To turn off Snooze and resume taking calls as before, open up the silhouette menu again and click on the "Turn Off Snooze" option and away you go.

Mobile App

  • Tap the Settings Menu
  • In Settings tap Snooze
    CircleLoop - Mobile - Settings-Snooze - Clip
  • Choose the amount of time to snooze for. Alternative, tap "Set Time Until..." and choose the time at which you would like Snooze to end.
    CircleLoop - Mobile - Settings-Snooze-SnoozeSettings - Clip

If you wish to turn off snooze before the snooze time has elapsed, you can do so directly from the Settings menu.

  • Tap Settings
  • Tap Turn Off Snooze 
    CircleLoop - Mobile - Turn off Snooze - Clip

Alternatively If you are out of office for longer than 24 hours or are going on holiday, try using our out of hours feature to handle calls differently instead.