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  2. Getting Started

Download and Install CircleLoop Apps

How to get started with our mobile and desktop apps

Once you've signed up to CircleLoop you'll need to download one of our desktop or mobile apps. 

Typically we'd recommend installing either the Mac or Windows app on your computer and then either the iPhone or Android app on your mobile.

Where to Find CircleLoop Apps

Install the Mac App

Install the Windows App

Are you running a BETA version of any operating system?


Where to Find CircleLoop Apps

Desktop apps are available for download from our downloads page.

Mobile apps are available from the appropriate store for your iOS or Android device.

     app-store-download.  google-play-download


Install the Mac app

After downloading the Mac app:

  • Double-click the CircleLoop.dmg file in your downloads folder
  • In the window that appears, drag and drop the CircleLoop app file to the Applications folder.

Mac CircleLoop Drag to Applications Folder-1

  • The CircleLoop app will then be available in your Applications folder. Simply double-click it to launch.

The first time you open CircleLoop a warning will be displayed, reminding you that the app was downloaded from the Internet. Confirm that you want to open the app - click Open

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 14.52.07

CircleLoop will open, and you can proceed to sign in.

Install the Windows app

When downloading the Windows app you'll need to know whether you need the 32-bit or 64-bit version.  To check this on your Windows PC:

  • Click the Windows icon
  • Click the Settings icon on the left of the menu
  • Then choose System
  • Select About from the menu on the left
  • Information about your PC will then be displayed.  Look for a line which says System Type.  This will say either "32-bit operating system" or "64-bit operating system"

If you have a 32-bit operating system, please contact us at suppotr@circleloop.com

After downloading the Windows app:

  • Double-click the CircleLoop.zip file in your downloads folder
  • Double-click the installer file circleloop.exe
  • After the installation has finished, the CircleLoop app will launch

You may get a warning from Windows about an unrecognised app.  This is just because our app is still quite new, but don't worry, you'll be able to allow it to run.

Once you've installed the app then log in to get started using your account.

Are you running a BETA version of any operating system?

Although you are diving in to all the new features with a Beta version of an operating system we cannot guarantee that CircleLoop will run on a Beta version of any operating system we support such as Mac, Windows, iOS or Android.