How To Prevent Google Chrome Extension Pop-Ups On Windows

Following the update of Google Chrome to version 79, the web browser no longer remembers your preferences for opening external applications. This article demonstrates how to recover this functionality.

Re-enabling external application preferences on a Windows PC requires administrator access. Whilst the process is relatively simple, if your IT systems are managed by a dedicated team they should be consulted.

1) Download this file.

2) Open Registry Editor on your PC (In Start Menu > Windows Administrator Tools).

3) In the Registry Editor window, click File -> Import.

Image result for registry editor import

4) Select the the ChromePolicy.reg file downloaded in step 1.

5) Restart Chrome.


After these steps have been completed, the next time you click on a number using Click to Call, the pop-up will have a check box to "Remember this option", checking this box will stop the pop-up being displayed for future calls.


CL pop.PNG